Enjoy classes which can change and improve your whole life
Classes are geared to emphasize mindful movement and breathing and are designed to warm, strengthen and stretch every major muscle group and move every joint through a full range of motion. Classes typically start with a few warming up and stretching exercises then move on to breath work and centering, followed by a few gentle sun salutations, some core work, standing and balance poses. We close with a cool down and savasana, a final relaxation exercise with guided meditation and hands on adjustment.
While many associate yoga with new age mysticism or the latest fad at the gym, yoga is actually an ancient practice that connects the mind, body, and spirit through body poses, controlled breathing, and meditation. Below are 10 very practical and good reasons to practice yoga.
Aging. Yoga stimulates the detoxification process within the body which has been shown to delay aging, among many other health benefits.
Posture. The very nature of yoga teaches you how to hold and support your body in a more healthful position. Through consistent practice, your posture will improve so that you look more confident and healthy.
Strength. One of the premises of yoga is that you are using the weight of your own body for overall strength.
Energy. Regular yoga practice provides consistent energy. In fact, many yogis notice that they feel energized after class rather than tired.
Weight. The benefits of a better metabolism along with the exercise of yoga work to keep your keep your weight in check. Additionally, the stretching of muscles longwise helps to reduce the amount of cellulite that can build around muscles.
Sleep. Because of the many benefits to both body and mind that a yoga routine can provide, many find that their sleep is much better.
Balance. An integral part of the yoga practice is balance and control over your body. With a consistent practice, you will find that your overall balance will improve outside the yoga class.
Body Awareness: Doing yoga will give you an increased awareness of your own body. You are often called upon to make small, subtle movements to improve your alignment. Over time, this will increase your level of comfort in your own body. This can lead to improved posture and greater self-confidence.
Core strength. With a strong body core, you receive better posture and overall body strength. A strong core helps heal and reduce injuries. This is why a lot of athletes do yoga as cross training.
Stress Reduction. The concentration required during yoga practice tends to focus your attention on the matter at hand, thereby reducing the emphasis you may have been putting on the stress in your life.